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National Seminar on "IPR and Patent Filing in India"

Faculty of Computer Applications
Contact No.
Start Date
22/02/2023 12:30 PM
End Date
15/02/2023 02:13 PM
Hybrid (Online + A.M.Patel institute of Computer Studies, Ganpat University)
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Thc main objective of th is national seminar is to sprcad awareness amongst faculty fraternity about importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), its types and procedure for filing patent in India. In its most basic form, intellectual property is any kind of created intangible assct that resu lts from the usc of one's mental faculties. Depending on the kind of asset being considered, different rules may apply for registering intellectual assets. The law of intellectual property protects these assets, and the ownership of such rights grants numerous rights for their marketing and protection.

The speaker has given the overview of: • IPR • Types of LPR in India • Patent filing procedure in India Conclusion The National seminar successfully introduced partlClpants to the rPR and Patent Filing procedures in india. Different types of intellectual property rights exist in India that enable people to protect their assets. In an effort to provide intellectual property rights recognized in India with international recognition and protection, India has actively joined numerous conventions and treaties. The vote of thanks is extended by Dr. Ritesh R. joshi.

The seminar started at 12:30 PM with brief introduction of IIC 6.0. Dr. Meghna Patel introduced the speaker Dr. M. M. Belkar, Principal, Shri Kumarswami Mahavidyalaya, Ausa, Latur, Maharashtra, India. Dr. Betkar spoke about IPR and its significance for ones rights for intellectual property. The speaker discussed about patent filing in India and highlighted about 7 types of intellectual property rights, namely - copyright, trademarks, patents, geographical indications, plant varieties, industrial designs and semiconductor integrated circuit layout designs. He has described about the patent filing procedure in India.
