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Grievance Redressal

Grievance: Grievance means a complaint that includes any kind of discontent or dissatisfaction or negative perception, arising out of anything connected with University that a student or parent or staff member thinks, believes, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable.Grievant: Grievant means a student, parent, staff member or group of students or parents or staff members submitting the grievance.Grievance Redressal shall handle the process of Grievance Redressal. It shall be guided by the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances.The Grievance Redressal Cell shall categorize, analyze the merits of the grievance, and forward the grievance to the respective department / section / institute / individual requesting him / her / them to enquire into the grievance. 

As per the AICTE notification F.No. 37-3/Legell2Ol2 dated 2515/2012. Grievance Redressal Committee is constituted in the institute for the purpose of Redressal of grievance of the students, parents and others. The committee members are as follows.

Sr.No. Name of the Member Contact No. Designation Position
1 Dr. Satyen Parikh 98251 06397 Head of lnstitute Principal
2 Dr. Nirbhay Chaubey 98986 89271 Professor Dean
3 Dr. Ketan D.Patel 98254 27921 Teaching Staff Member
4 Dr. Saurabh A. Dave 9099417474 Teaching Staff Member
5 Mrs. Vishnuba H.Chavada 98242 98562 Teaching Staff Member